Meteo alarm - Forecast for date: 07.03.2025.
* Updated: 18:45 06.03.2025 valid thru: 07.03.2025.
Display date:
07.03.2025. :::
08.03.2025. :::
09.03.2025. :::

- It is not necessary to take special precaution measures.

- Weather may be hazardous (possibility). The predicted weather phenomena are not uncommon, but precautionary measures are needed if meteorological high risk activities are being undertaken. It is advisable to keep following the forecasts on expected meteorological conditions and not to take any unnecessary risk.

- The weather is dangerous. Dangerous weather phenomena are predicted. It is very likely that such weather phenomena will cause material damage and be dangerous for people and animals. It is necessary to be very cautious, risk aware and regularly informed about the details of the expected meteorological conditions. Follow the advice given by the authorities.

- The weather is very dangerous. Hazardous weather phenomena are predicted. Great damages and accidents are possible. Such meteorological hazards can be very dangerous to the security of people and animals. We should keep ourselves informed about the details of expected meteorological conditions and risks. Follow the orders, instructions and advices given by the authorities.
Wind |
Snow/Ice |
Fog |
Extreme high temperature |
Rain |
Thunderstorms |
Forestfire |
Extreme low temperature |